Sunday, December 13, 2009

Short days, bright sun

It is cold. A frosty night is followed by a sunny day, but before the sun can melt the frozen path, it is on the way down again. We took a walk, eager to see the sun as long as it was there, and starting out after lunch meant we saw it touch the horizon just 2 hours later. There was this house near the lake, empty and with smashed window panes on the back side. Such a beautiful house. What a shame. People walking by stopped to debate ways to save it.


ArtSparker said...

Wow, a turquoise and gold landscape. That is really something!

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

What a shame about that beautiful house.

Diane Cransac said...

It always bothers me when I see a home sitting empty...when so many have no home.

THe sun is much appreciated right now isn't it? Even if it is here for such a short time:)

Chris Gray said... that house...shame it's too far away from where we work!...

Rayna said...

Houses like that break my heart -- and where I live, they usually tear them down to build parking lots. Grrrr....
Thanks, as always, for the beautiful pix -- and happy whatever holiday you are celebrating.