This is why you haven't heard from me for a week or so: I've been busy with my Stolperstein job for the memorial hour on Jan 27. I'm preparing a kind of digital slide show for our district parlament. It is about murdered citizens, not only Jewish, but also about political resistance and a mentally disabled young man who was regarded to be a "useless life".
I put up a show for 6 people to be remembered. In 3 cases, we don't even have a photograph. Just a name in a list, in a telephone book or a letter kept by relatives. Their prosecutors wanted them to be forgotten, but reminding of them is more than a job to me.

When I have time, I work on the last stripe for the reptile quilt. Lovely gifts from the New World! Scraps from wonderful artist and cherished person Rayna. My latest inspiring treasure. Guess my future work will look different. These scraps give me looks for being put among the other stuff like a film star who finds herself riding on a suburban train.
Great work you are doing Eva - on both subjects!!! I admire you for both!
some things are quite important!
Better you than me, Eva. Glad you're cutting those things up into unrecognizable strips! You are the film star -- this quilt is beauti-ful.
Your presentation is quite haunting. Thank you.
Rayna, these fates and faces are haunting me!
Sounds like a very worthwhile slide show project Eva and I htink oyur reptile quilt is fantastic. Gilly
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