Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Jolly Times in Sandy Bells and Royal Oak

This is a pub in Edinburgh, Scotland, where we spent many hours. Every day, there is live music at night, half 10, and on Saturday & Sunday in the afternoon. It is messy, it is dark, hot and steaming when it is a rainy day. As you may know the habit from all over GB, the pints are filled up to the edge, you pick them at the counter and offer the local spirits a sip before you can reach your seat. People who play instruments just come round to join, sometimes playing together for the first time; sometimes people who give concerts later come and just have fun with others.
They put a violin in my hands! Help! This is the
first time I ever touched such an instrument.

This was not my idea, but it felt good.
Anyone who will not spoil the session can join, they even passed the guitar over to me, sometimes the session goes a bit jazzy when Freddy has his Grapelli hour. He is well able to play the traditional violin, he just thinks it is too boring.
We listened to a man with Scottish small pipes, sorry for the dark pictures, and it is just a snippet, as an appetizer.
Here is another video from the same place, but taken by someone else. Sorry, my camera wasn't really made for taking videos.


Judy said...

It looks as though you've been playing the violin all your life!
Hope you're having a wonderful trip. When my life settles down, I'll read your entire travelogue!


Yael said...

You look lovely and you are holding the violin very gracefully Eva!

Eva said...

Yes. And Chris gives me a look as if his Granny was going into the disco.