Today, my copy of the
book on Korak Quilts by
Ruth Tschudy arrived. It is about an old Central Asian quilting technique using folded scraps which are combined in such a manner that the cut sides are covered by the next folded scrap. These are sewn from the right side with small, almost invisible stitches. I dare not show any inside pages, I just want to mention that she gives a wonderful review on the history of these quilts and detailed instructions. She also mentions a point of view I agree with: Using selvaged fabric seems so much more rewarding, she says; they make a piece come alive and conserve precious memories.

Can't work on my bird quilt at the moment. My man who is a little sick (stomach ache) crushed out on the sofa and took my half finished quilt to cover himself up. Didn't want me to take his pic and covered himself up completely.
So sorry I havent dropped in lately. Your quilt is coming along nicely! My hubby is also having to travel for an interview..to Paris! I am a little unsure about livng there. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your situation and hope everything works out well!
wow the cloth is really growing. hope the man feels better soon. that technique sounds intriguing.
Maybe your quilt has magic healing powers that it picked up from your hands and heart.
Hope he feels better after hiding under it for a while.
I think your Korak technique is like paper piecing? Is that correct?
Hope J is all better by now....I'm late in reading your posts! ARGH!!!
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