They are so beautiful that I wrote to Chris, I have inhibitions to cut into them, but she wrote back: "just get the scissors and go for it!"

Okay. I started with korak tiles which I can arrange and connect in the way of collecting, neither planning how large it will be in the end, nor which fabrics I'll find to make the backing and frame. I arranged the pieces on the red fabric which I cut about 2" larger than the final tile.

And there is something else to show.
Judi Hurwitt has a beautiful photo of a hummingbird in her blog.
She kindly gave me the permission to use it as a template. I did this drawing and then one with a textile felt tip pen on t-shirt fabric. This was not such a good idea, the drawing did not turn out exactly as I wanted it to be. It is clumsy and awful, compared with the paper version.

T-shirt fabric is amazingly tough and resists my hand quilting; I think I'll not use that stuff again which is a shame because it reacts well on lino printing. Too bad it is so unpleasant to hand quilt.
fabric has its own personality. a whole list of different characters.
you should put a few of those tiles in the shop. i think they are great!
Have you seen the Alabama Chanin things. They do a lot of hand stitching on knit fabrics. I think a really sharp needle is needed.
Here's a link if you want to look:
I have the Alabama Chanin stitch book that Deb wrote of (above), and it is great. I love to do hand stitching on cotton jersey.....maybe you just need to give it more time?
I love that little hummer that you've done! and those batiks are fabulous!
Deb, these fabrics are so amazing! Who on earth can do this and get payed decently?
Judy, maybe I really have to find the trick.
It has the same inquiring attitude on the fabric.
Thank you for stopping by - you are an amazing artist! I absolutely love your work and this blog and will follow you! Kartika
Eva, I'm so sorry that I lost track of this, I wish I had seen it when it went up! Your sketch of my hummer is absolutely lovely, well done! You do the little guy justice. :D
I understand your t-shirt fabric woes, however- it is very tough stuff- but I think your rendering of the hummer takes on a real whimsy in that version that feels fitting. :D
Adorable design!!
(Thanks to Martha for the head's up!) :D
Your Hummingbird is beautiful!!!! I just found you and I will follow you. Your art is great, I like what you are doing.
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