When Judy had her operation, she woke up with "3 Little Birds" by Bob Marley. The story must have influenced me to add a golden bird and a black one to the blue bird. The variegated floss is perfect for this kind of picturesque "emquiltery". Apart from the black matter, all cloth came from Jude. It is a fun piece, and I have to take care and remember my duties like going to the last session of gymnastics, hopefully for good, and I mustn't forget to have breakfast before going -- which I actually sometimes do! Or I get carried away by my friends' beautiful blogs...
this is really fabulous. it helps to work within a base palette doesn't it?
the birds are perfect. i really love this. did i say it was fabulous. very folk.
another palette is forming.
Thank you. I very much appreciate either: your support by words and by inspiring material.
A Stunning piece.
Beautiful - I wonder if they all have different qualitites? They seem to be parts of a fable.
AWESOME YO! As my son would say. When I saw you place the first bird, I wondered how you were going to finish it, then you showed the first stitches and I knew it was going to be fabulous but never in my dreams did I think it would be this FABULOUS!
This piece is so beautiful and touching; you've incorporated so much emotion and movement in the postures of the birds.
I was very moved by your mother's story. We need to remember how war affects the most powerless, the women and children.
Wonderful, Eva.
Oh Eva this is beautiful!
Just gets better and better - that bird needed some friends...and you have really given them individual personalities. Your embroidery is gorgeous.
Did I influence you? I missed this post! I love the piece!! ;-)
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