J and I picked her up with her luggage and took her to our hosts to have a lovely meal and a long talk about what happened since we last met and how to save the world. She is a British citizen who has spent a long time in France and then immigrated as a religious worker to the USA. This was the first meeting after 10 years, and we continued our connection and she is so close to my heart as if no time had passed.
R was my boss for 1,5 years in 2001-2002. I first met him in 1975. C was so enthusiastic about New Mexico. She gives me another reason to dream of a journey. We made our first steps into Buddhism in 1979 together.
At the moment, her plane lifts off. I do hope it will not be another 10 years before I see her again!
Isn't it wonderful to see a friend after all those years and be able to connect as if no time has passed.
When I was in New Mexico last year I had dinner with a friend I hadn't seen in almost 30 years and it too was as if no time had passed.
I should have also said Santa Fe!
Love your new photo.
big spaces between visits always leaves room for lots of stories.
How lovely that you got to spend time together. Perhaps you will visit the U.S. at some point?
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