Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Photo job

A friend of mine asked me to take a photo series of his father's glass collection. His father lives in an old people's home and can't take everything with him, so my friend tries to find out which are the most valuable things. So yesterday and today I took hundreds of pictures. The family worked for the glass factory Loetz in Bohemia before the war and kept a number of experimental samples. I think they are rare; I promised to find out.

P.S. In E-bay, there are some similar things, and they reach good prices. But I haven't seen anything exactly like this. Maybe they decided not to produce larger series, or history prevented that.
P.P.S. Most Loetz is in America. Possibly more than they produced.


Carmen Rose said...


ArtSparker said...

Those are stunning...I think you would probably need to look online or take them to be valued to get a good idea. I t looks as if metals were applied to the glass while it was still hot to make those extraordinary finishes.

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

These look like they could be very valuable. I am not a glass expert but I do love beautiful things.
I hope your friend will get an opinion from an expert before they let them go for less than what they should.

Anonymous said...

When I saw the first image, I thought raku, until I read further that these are glass - very cool! I have a potter friend who just started doing glass, and they're related but not.

Diane Cransac said...

Beautiful pieces. If they only produced small batches and experimental pieces then I'm sure they are worth even more then other items from that time.

The Calico Cat said...

Based on what I have seen on "antique" shows on TV those can fetch nice amounts. (Collectors really like the experimental pieces.)

Lovely photography BTW.

Rayna said...

That vase is gorgeous! My mother owns a piece of art glass she bought at a rummage sale and I always thought it was hideous. It has no signature but she was told by an expert that it was Loetz.

By the way - your comments on my blog about my inspiration grids were right on and very insightful, as usual.

Judy said...

Love those glass pics. I especially like how you captured the light in the last one.


Art4Sol said...

Very stunning...I'm sure they should fetch a good price; this type of work is rare and truly collectible. Wonderful photos.

Rayna said...

My mother bought her vase in the early 1950's when I was still in elementary school. Likely it is real.

Anonymous said...

They are just glorious!! I'll send the link to my friend Carol who sells art glass in her gallery to see if she has a clue,


Eva said...

By now, I have found a number of similar pieces in auctions and related websites. The father will keep them as long as he lives. At the moment, exact value is not quite as important as an inventory list.

Clare Wassermann said...

Hi - I have just had a shufty through your Blog - it's all very interesting peering into your life - keep it going!! x

jude said...

i don't know much about glass.... but wow, amazing ! and the pics are great too!