2010 will be the Iron Tiger year. It is double metal, because also the Tiger is seen as a metal animal.
Since I started observing Tibetan New Year, I had the feeling that nothing really changed on Jan 1st. So I abstained from making any promises or pledges. The feeling of a new quality to me is connected with an astronomic significance, with solstices, new moons or equinoxes. Year by year, I had the feeling that something had changed in February or the end of January, sometimes in March; maybe it was just my imagination, but the atmosphere is definitely different. From my young years, I remember the same dialogue repeated in December: "What are you gonna do on New Years Eve?" -- "Dunno. Get drunk, I guess."
Spring is a celebration without wine.
Nevertheless, we will open a bottle of champagne on New Years eve and celebrate with a guest. And I wish you all a very merry celebration and a Happy New Year.