March 10th is the day of the rebellion of the Tibetans against the Chinese occupation and the bloody defeat of Tibet. With first hand informations from people who live next to the border, I know that still today young girls and boys reach India over strenuous and dangerous paths from Tibet across the highest mountain passes, walking for days in deep snow into an insecure future, but at least into freedom. Their parents let them go, rather tolerating the separation than seeing their children being trained against the moral principles of Buddhism by the Chinese. As far as violence has grown, the Chinese education may be called successful. The helpless despair of some Tibetans and the cruel 100fold revenge from the Chinese has illustrated that their philosophy is showing effect.
Money rules over morals. Western govts do big business with China without demanding a change in their policy towards Tibet. How difficult could that have been? Don't even let me start!
That was me, I forgot to sign in to Google.
My heart goes out to those people. Unfortunately the governments of this world seem to have turned a blind eye to it all.
The Dalai Lama is tired I think...And the Panchen Lama has been spirited away. Perhaps the world was fortunate to know about these traditions before they vanished.
Although the world must remake itself in some way now, because apparently what we've been doing has not worked.
Thank you for your empathic comments. I think there is more hope than you seem to be expressing. There is a vivid Dharma all over the world and in Indian exile. There are more lineages of tradition than Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. The Panchen Lama disappeared years ago, at 6, he was the youngest political prisoner since Louis XVII of France. His whereabouts are still unknown. But who ever said that the Tibetans might not vote for the Karmapa as their spiritual leader when HH the Dalai Lama will leave this body? There are dozens of "precious Lamas" (Rinpoches) in exile. The Dharma is alive and well.
It is a shame that some feel that they must control others. Wouldn't it be grand if we could all respect one another and not feel the need to be better or in control?
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