The first row of the Bauhaus quilt is here. It was rather quickly done, because I used the korak method: Fold a piece and pin it to the carrier fabric (an strip of an old bed sheet). One side is folded, one is open. Put the next folded piece onto the cut side of the patch, so that only a folded edge is visible. Connect parts with a hem stitch along the folded line.
I showed this method here.
I started quilting, but it might be wiser to do this when a number of strips will be finished. Then I will find the proper combination of strips. Quilting this might turn it into an infinite project... But I want to make a cosy quilt for my beloved hubby before winter is over.
The wool fabric from my husband's jacket is wonderful to work with. I should cut more suits into pieces.

I have to tell you a little story. When I was a kid of 3 or 4, I loved scissors. And I had access to them. My parents had the confidence that I would learn to handle safely what I learnt to use early. But one afternoon when I was put to bed for a nap, I applied this wonderful tool on my stockings (yes, at that time, also children wore wool stockings with clips to hold them up), and I was attracted by the little bulbs the clips had left behind, and cut them off. Then I started working on a new unused fabric that was hanging from the rail of my kid's bed and started cutting out the lovely scenes of playing and reading children that were printed on the cloth. That was when my Mom came in and interrupted a quilter's career for decades.
Update on J's job. The same company as I mentioned on Tuesday offered him a job which is exactly what he used to do. Same money, same responsibilty, familiar subjects. We are so happy! Thanks to all of you who sent kind thoughts and who crossed fingers for him!
I just realized I've used this technique! I was taught to do this when I was ten for one of my first sewing projects. We were making crazy quilt type pillows. I did my first baby quilt this way.
Your story made me smile. I did similar things when I was a child.
What a lovely story!!! I'll have to relay to my grand daugther and I'm sure she'll reference this as to why she does the 'artsy' things she does! HA
This is looking really good. Your earlier experiments with scissors obviously helped you in the end.
I guess you were born to be a quilter. The quilt you are working on for your husband is progressing nicely.
A toast to you and J! The quilt looks almost alive, like a stripey caterpillar.
I am happy your husband has a job.
I knew he would get the perfect one : )
Lovely beginning in the quilt.
I too, use this same technique but, just taught myself how and I did not know the name of it. Thank you for sharing the "how to" and the name of it. I learned something new. Your childhood story is very sweet. : )
Hip Hip Hooray for J and his new job!!! ;-) I know you both are ecstatic!
I think he should take an inventory of his suits, so that he will know their demise when you are desperate for fabrics for your lovely quilts!
I have been doing some reading on the Bauhaus schools........very interesting!
When my mother was in the first grade (so probably age 6), her mother would send her off in the morning in leggings. My mother hated these, as none of her friends wore them, and she felt embarrassed feeling them a symbol of her immigrant parents. So, one day while at school she simply cut the legs off so that she would further blend in with the crowd! Needless to say, my well-meaning grandmother was not pleased!
Your packaged arrived in today's mail. It is lovely!!! I thank you from the very bottom of my heart! I will blog about it this evening!
Ooooh - I TOLD you the right job was out there!! Job karma - I am so happy I could jump up and down (but won't). Big hugs to both of you and I share your joy!
Hugs back from J for your support!
So happy to hear about the job!
Eva, you were so ahead of your time! You had such an eye for design, even in your crib. That is probably the best scissors story I've heard!
Hi, Eva,
I popped over here from Art Sparker, and was charmed by the story of your younger self and the scissors.
I wonder how many artists have such stories. A friend of mine drew a perfect Ferris wheel following the lines of her palm when she was three. She still resents that instead of celebrating her genius, her mother made her wash it off.
Seems you--and she--has since made up for your setbacks. Good thing, too.
Back in 2008 I made myself a quilt. Like you I was a beginner and just did it my own (skew) way. It looks as though I could possibly call my method "Korak" a term I had not seen mentioned till I found your blog because you were kind enough to make a comment on mine.
What do you think?
Your Bauhaus quilt is wonderful. It is a good thing that you are in Germany because if you were nearer to me I might just pop round to your house and "borrow" that glorious quilt FOR EVER!!!
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