My husband and I are so different! Apart from the age gap (I'm 16 years older), he is a tidy, systematic, analytic person, and I am the chaotic one. He is an admirer of arts, I'm the artist. He is the calculating and planning person, I am the one who needs structure. He is the red bird of action, flying out into the world; I'm the blue dreamer who likes him to be the pacemaker.

Now something different: I started a print cloth with my little grim lino bears. It is cloth paint on cotton, and when I iron it, it can be washed warm. I will give it a little background washing when the bears are fixed by ironing.
I plan to do tiger cloth, too, and chicken cloth, salmon cloth and more. What do you think: Should I try an Etsy sale?

if you can part with it
Thank you for that lovely story about the birds and the story of you and your husband.
Hmmm..might be interesting to have a tree print and combine the bears and tigers with trees? The bears are indeed grim.
No problem to part with something that can be reproduced any time!
I love your birds. :)
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