Yesterday, I followed intuition, painting a vision that kept following me.
This might be an exiting new method to create pictures!
I should do this more often. I thought of a red rock, on which the houses are built, but when I had done this, it reminded me of an image lingering on my mind.
I named this painting "Faeroer", as the group of Islands in the North Atlantic are called.
I saw when it was finished (really, I did after painting!) that the red patch is whale blood.
Eva, Your colors are so bright, happy and cheerful. I look at your paintings and I smile and feel good. Thank you~~~
So startling - the image seems so cheerful, but apparently things are not what they seem. I love the composition.
YES!!! Follow the intuition, quiet the brain and see what happens? And the 'what style is it' question just sort of slinks away when it realizes that it has been outdone by an idea!
Good show, Eva! I am so very pleased that my little comment helped you...I'm not exactly sure how or why I knew what to say to you. It just came out. This is what is great about this global communication device, no?
And what do I bring to this new painting? Not whale blood, though I saw it as soon as you said it. At my first glance I recalled an Edna St. Vincent Millet poem that my mother used to quote:
"upon the solid rock,
The ugly houses stand.
Come, see my shining Palace,
built upon the sand."
She quoted this to me many times when I was young and then could not understand why I chose to pursue the arts and architecture instead of the para-legal or secretarial profession she thought I should prepare for!! I was always much more interested in the shining palaces.
oh, and by the way, your English is nearly flawless!
Wow Eva... I love how you were able to listen and translate that inner voice. Kaylyn is a wonderful influence isn't she? I am envious your vision was turned into a beautiful yet powerful piece. I am still trying to learn this. You're my hero!
Eva I love your latest composition and I was startled by the link to the whale blood picture. Thank you for bringing this to our attention through your art.
Jacky xxo
intuition is a fine traveling companion.
and that whale blood picture is awsome.
Wonderful work!
They are both beautiful, but I love the houses. I saw the red as a hill until you pointed out the whale blood, we all see different interpretations from where we stand.
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