This is our first life sign after two weeks in Turkey. We saw so many amazing things, and I'll go into the details asap. We just arrived, unpacked our luggage, and now we are hungry and have to buy food. Upper picture: Stormy weather, quite unusual in Southern Turkey, and swimming was forbidden on that day. Usually, the sea was very calm.

Here, you see a bit of the ancient ruins from the Greek settlings from about 1800 years ago. And this is the view out of our hotel room, rather our first room, because we changed, due to the noise, after a few days. More details and picture galery in a few hours!
Welcome back...you were missed :-)
Your vacation looks lovely! Almost as lovely as your fabrics. Outstanding job Eva. What an accomplishment....you should still be on the cover too.
Barbara, the best selling designs are taken off the first page after 6 weeks as a routine.
OH my word!!!! That water! I am fantasizing right now about jumping in!!! (I just drove for an hour in my little honda through the San Fernando valley to Hollywood and my air conditioning is on the fritz!)
When anyone tried to swim, the coast guard came running along the beach, blowing his whistle and pointing to the red flag!
Missed you, too. Looks like a very exotic vacation; welcome home.
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