She won! In the eyes of America, she may be one in the crowd of singers. But for Germany, she is extraordinary. This is
her first public appearance as a singer! 18 years old, just finishing highschool, the grandchild of a diplomat with Baltic roots. (Aha...) All of us are in love with her, and she swept the silly show called Eurovision Song Contest completely off the stage. No show, just her in a simple black dress, and her chorus. She won. Millions danced in the streets all over Europe.
Beautiful and classy!
Ah but wasn't there a lot of promotion behind her song so it was well know around Europe by the time of the contest? Maybe it's just sour grapes on my part as we came badly last with a dreadful song and a dreadful performance.
Personally I loved the Greek one!! And the Belgium lad was really sweet.
Fiona, before she had any promotion, she won the casting merely through calls from the spectators. As the songs did not have to be kept secret, any nation had the chance to publish their song.
Maybe this contest by tradition was on a rather low quality level; it wasn't taken seriously -- I haven't done it either! -- but the casting showmaster Stefan Raab did. That's why many nations did not send the best they had, but he did.
I loved the song and the performance and am really glad she won. Congratulations!
Unfortunately we did not send the best, obviously!
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