From my Estonian folk textile bible I chose a very interesting pattern. There is another wool embroidery which covers the fabric almost entirely. This one is a sleeve decoration. I use the linen towel as a background. Wonder what this will be. Hardly a towel. A cushion cover?
I love this design.

It is bold and modern beyond what you expect from traditional costumes. I wonder if I will integrate all of this in my project.

My vague idea is to make a bold border on each short side and a center ornament using the design in the 2nd picture.
Would you start a project without knowing what it will be in the end?
I do.
UpdateThe book: Eesti Rahvaroivaid and
Dear Eva, I NEVER know what my projects will be in the end.........other than a general concept. And, you know what, that's not even necessary to begin.......you just need that glimmer of "what if I do this?" I haven't forgotten the batik photos, I promise. Michele
Looking forward to seeing how it effloresces.
Ditto what Michele said! Only three times in my life did I ever have a specific idea of where I was going with a piece: the first 3 in my Poland series. Everything else has been serendipitous.
This piece will evolve and will be wonderful, as all your work is!
What a marvelous book for inspiration....what is it called? I know your piece will be beautiful! Have a great week, Eva!
Darlene, I'll answer this question in my posting as an update!
What a fantastic book, thanks for the update Eva. Your wool embroidery is wonderful and I look forward to seeing where it takes you. Do you think it will be part of a series?
Jacky xox
Almost always! I usually just start something and then see what happens.
Looking forward to seeing how this project developes Eva...
I start out with an idea, sometimes a sketch but as I'm working on it, it tells me how it wants to be...but just starting would be EXCITING!!!
An interesting example of an Estonian textile craft tradition. I would love to see more examples, but will also be interested to see how you will develop any ideas you get from the tradition.
Most of the time when I start a project I have no idea what ti will end up as. Makes things more interesting ;)
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