Jude, a good idea. I did it, uploaded to Spoonflower. -- Eileen, this reminds me of the cathedral of Tomar in Portugal where they have belts and chains and ropes within the stone carved ornaments around the windows.
-- Esther, my work is not to replace quilting, but to support it! My intention is to serve quilters.
I'm really liking this particular pattern, the spidery dark leaves with the exuberant blooms. One of my favorites, would work wonderfully for patchwork next to any number of solid colors.
I liked the bird quilt - would be great to some of your birds rendered as part of a pattern.
this one is great, but i would like it better on an antiqued tea stained looking ground. the birds are a great idea...
Beautiful colors. Floral fabrics are classic, there can never be enough. It would be fun to see them with an edgy twist though, combined with something you totally don't expect to see in combination with them but that could occur in nature like bones, rusted machine bits, etc...
well i'm a fan of the floral, especially the vintage style you have been creating lately. and especially the more folk style...
this floral one is beautiful eva, and love how it is on spoonflower with the more sepia background.
your work is wonderful!
Thank you all!
No not enough florals out there. I would like to see vintage florals come back into vogue, and more art nouveau stylised florals too. Saying this, I also love love love folk style florals, so really - the more the merrier- in every style.
I really love this print, your colours are wonderful. My daughter squealed when she saw it!
(No one in my house squeals over *my* work)
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