I won't take a computer with me, and I don't think I will visit an internet café.

Just as I did during my vacation in past years, I'll start an embroidery project. Among the things I got from my Mom, I found an old towel, I presume it is linen. I tried a bit to embroider it with wool.

Hm. Not as regular as I was hoping, but that's the challenge of the material. I started sketching patterns from my old Estonian folk art book from 1957.

My plan is to make a geometrical border and an inner border with flowers.

It is a bit of a guessing game how much crewel wool of each color I should take with me. Well, if I can change my own patterns, I can meet the demand in case I run short.

But maybe I can buy crewel wool in Turkey more easily and cheaper than in Germany. Women in Turkey are very skilful with
crafts like crocheting and embroidery. My sisters in law had a little case with a glass window where they kept their collection of head scarves with crocheted and seed bead embellished edges.
Have a great holiday - I'm packing my emergency holiday sewing supplies today too!
Have a lovely holiday. Great idea to take a sewing project. You'll probably get inspiration over there and your project will take on a different direction. Look forward to seeing the finished article.
Have a really good holiday!...and enjoy your stitching :-)
Wishing you a great and creative holiday!
Friends, I'm not leaving tomorrow! Thanks anyway.
How exciting, I hope you have a wonderful time. I do the same thing when I go on trips. Start an embroidery project and package up all I think I will need. I usually dont have time to work on it much anyway...
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