Today, I received a Mail from Mrs Goldenberg:
There is a new book out on embroidery, which I have put together: "Fäden verbinden - threads unite." It was published by MARO Verlag in Augsburg, Germany.
It has a square format of 16cm by 16cm with120 pages. It is a paperback edition with over 300 fotos, which I took during my visit in Laghmani and 16 of fotos which show works from the exhibition "Threads unite women" and scanned embroisered squares. The text is in German and English. By September a leaflet in French will be available for those interested. The price is €20.
Through the sale of that book I hope to make a little money for myself, since I continue my voluntary work for the project. Whoever wants to support me, may order the book from me. That way I will get almost the percentage that normally goes to the bookseller. Promoting my book will also be of great help.
So maybe you take the chance to order the book now or by ordering embroisered squares. Or you can find it at the exhibition at the "Gudrun Sjöden" store in Zirndorf, at "Textile Art Berlin" which will start in two weeks, at "Nadel und Faden" in Osnabrück from the 11th to the 13th of September as well as at the Alsace EU-Patchwork meeting, which will take place from the 17th to the 20th of September.
Have a nice summer.
Best wishes,
picasagalerie from project:
picasagalerie from project:
So far the mail from Mrs Goldenberg.
well i would like to order it but i can't read german. help. i can send you the money through paypal and you can order it for me maybe.
Wow - Pascale Goldenberg is a superb and well-known French fiber artist. I first saw her work a decade ago in an exhibit of art quilts I stumbled on in Paris. I just looked for the catalog, I know it's here somewhere. Anyway, here is a link to a wonderful site and her page. http://www.fibre-art-synergy.com/cadres/accueil_ang.htm
I didn't know she lived now in Germany.
Jude, it will be a pleasure for me to help. Please mail me your address.
Unfortunately the German publisher does not appear to have on-line ordering. I'm taking part in the UK Afghanistan Inspiration initiative to raise funds for Pascale's work. So far I've pieced and partially quilted my hanging. Now I'm waiting for the inspiration!
Yes, the book can be ordered online. There is a button "hinzufuegen" which places an order in the shopping cart.
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