The doctor tried to adjust me, but in spite of myself, I was too tensed. He gave me a prescription of chiropractical gymnastics. -- Such things get paid by my assurance, I just had to add $30 for 6 sessions. --
In the afternoon, I came back for the gymnastics. The practician is a lady who reminds me a lot of German sports teachers. She showed me exercises I have to do and called them my homework. Some things she did with/to me were pleasant, some weren't but seemed helpful. When I went home, I felt symmetrical for a change.
Did my "homework", walked for some time, did the shopping with my caddy. There was another caddy standing in front of the shopping center, one which used to belong to Elvis.

Later, J got a call from a furniture company. He will have an interview on coming Tuesday. It was an unsolicited application. He was in the best of moods. It was different with another application recently; he was sceptical, and they called off. He has quite a good intuition, that guy.
The homework is a big part of getting aligned so stick with it. That's great news regarding the new job possibility...will keep sending good thoughts.
Thank you so much, Darlene!
Do you know the expression"He doesn't let the grass grow under his feet"? That would describe J...
Those chairs remind me of my FL house!
When I used those colors 5 years ago they were so strange.
Now they're appearing all over.
Hope you are 100@ with your back soon.
Happy to hear you went to the doctor and are now symetrical! Keep working at it even when you do not feel like it.
That is one HUGE Cadillac.
glad to hear things are going better...and yes, that car is big, like a boat or something...
Hope the homework will help your back. Great news about J's application!!!!
Glad to hear you are getting some help for your back. A good backdoctor is worth their weight in gold. I hope this one is good!
Keeping my fingers crossed for your hubby...mine did a crazy thing this week, he applied for a job in california!?!
YOU drive a Cadoo? I hope it is smaller than the one in the picture!
I am also glad you are getting help for your back, dear Eva. It is totally horrible when you have back pain. The exercises should help, so keep at it!
I was thinking about J just this week, wondering what ever happened with the job decisions. Keeping fingers x'd that some lucky company will realize what a treasure he is and grab him so you can stay where you are.
No, I don't drive a Cadoo, I just have a little caddy for my shopping. Two wheels, a tote and a handle. Actually, I can't drive at all. Always took the bus or train. Thank you, Rayna, for your good wishes!
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