What good is an iron gate on the cemetary entrance? Nobody wants to get in, nobody can get out. -- Today, my husband's family went to the cemetary to remember my husband's grandmother whose 100th birthday would have been today. She used to have a special kind of humor which she may have applied from another world. My f-i-l's car was locked behind an iron gate when we came back. It had been closed in our absence, and nobody could be found to unlock the gate. Our cousin tried to find anyone in charge by making calls on the phone -- no result. Granny must have had a laugh on her angel's cloud. Cemetary workers with their truck came by coincident and had a key. So we could go and have coffee.

I promised a few more pictures from yesterday's trip to Schleswig. Here they are!

A damaged medieval lion on the cathedral wall outside.

A dome interior.

Another interior. A leftover from the old monastery buildings: A stone head, maybe a king.
Sailing boats on the river Schlei, more a kind of baltic sea fjord. A door with a dutch


The Schlei is a postglacial melting river. The town was built as a follower of the nearby situated and later abandoned
Haithabu/Haddeby/Hedeby, a Viking settling of great importance. The evidence of trade with Greece and Sweden was found by archeologists. Also Schleswig was a harbour of some importance, but as in the 14th century, larger boats were built, the harbour was not deep enough. So the town lost its importance.
1 comment:
I am enjoying all of the pictures of the old buildings. I was able to visit England in 1987 and I was finally able to understand what an old building is. Here in the middle of the US our old buildings are around 150 years old and there are few of them.
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