Recently I found that some bloggers whom I follow removed their blogroll. They had the impression that it is unnecessary. Imho this isn't so. I found by analysing the coming and going of visitors on my blog that some really are interested in the blogs I read, and some even visit them systematically. The reason may be that if you are interested in a blog and see it with appreciation, you will see the blogroll as a line of recommendations. This can be helpful in confirming your idea what is "good" fiber art -- I did try to develop my taste by using blogrolls as references, especially from those (mostly) ladies who appeared to be talented AND successful. It has helped me tremendously to find out what they think is worth reading and seeing.
Blogrolls make the blogging scene come alive. You move from one to another like a gibbon in the jungle trees (forgive me this comparison). The "web" of blogs needs the blogrolls as an open door to the next one. Commenters often are the same most of the time. I find it interesting to follow these links, but it won't get me that far. Sure, there is a link to jeopardy choice, but this is not the same if you are looking for art or fiber art etc.
So please don't give up your blogrolls!
The photo shows me when I was in a webdesigners' school in 2001 during a public performance of our achievements.
When I first entered the blog world that is how I discovered all of you wonderful people. I stumbled upon Jude's blog and was in awe off her talent. I wanted MORE. I went to every single blog on her list...and then spread out. It was opening a door to a wonderful new world. One I haven't left since!
i totally agree
This gives me the opportunity, which I have too little character to resist, to say that "you can move from one to another like an athletic Edward Gibbon (author of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)". I get thrilled when bloggers meet each other through my blogroll.
Um, yes, in fact I found this post through Art Sparker's blog roll because it's something I've been fretting about.
(I love the new format which shows people's most recent post.)
But mostly I find other bloggers by following up comments, when the commenter writes something that catches my attention.
I like other people's blog rolls but I took mine down a long time ago because I'd gotten into social tangle with bloggers whom I wanted to remove... I'd started to feel like I was on Facebook, with its high school "friend" system.
So, I don't know...
I need to rethink how I do the roll, maybe.
Thanks for writing about the topic.
I love to check out the blog roll of blogs that I find that I just love their content. It is a great way to find more blogs of interest and I've met some wonderful, inspirational people.
I found your blog through Jude Hills blog. Wonderful quilts!
Like, Fresca, I seem to go to others' blogs after reading their comments, but I would like to set up a blogroll. I need to look into that, as I like the fact that new posts are shown.
Ditto to what they all said. I wanted to set up a blogroll but the idea of putting in all those addresses is too daunting.
I'd never remove my blogroll--although it does seem to go on for a mile and 1/2. lol
You are so right about the blog world.I am new to it and it makes me more aware of the audience my mixed media is reaching. It is inspiring and encouraging to read other blogs of artists who are facing and overcoming creative issues.Also the comments people are kind enough to leave on your postings. It makes you feel part of a creative world,often different to the one outside our doors.
Thank you for sharing Eva.
Best wishes,
jane c
A blogroll is the best way to find like-minded people and journey through similar creative spaces.
I do not have a lot of time on the computer and looking at blogrolls is my way of seeing new things and finding people quickly. Thank you for your post.
I too like blogrolls. I am spending a lot of time on mine. And revise it, add to it and I'm not afraid to take people off. I intend to re-organise it pretty soon as well. I don't follow anyone at the moment as I like to pic and choose who I visit and when.
I agree. Thats how I got to 'know 'everyone I visit. How else would you?
(Nice to see you by the way)
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