Background still white. I found I rather spoilt the last one by adding a background. It looked okay before I did, but yet it seemed a bit cluttered. So I painted a new version and tried backgrounds by alternating the picture with photoshop el.
These paintings look very quilty indeed, but I have to paint them because it is faster, and I cannot sew yet, that hand just won't get better, and my elegant glove (which I still like because it prevents pain) is rather a nuissance if I try to sew.
That's why I have to renounce on cloth which is a shame. There is nothing like a hand quilted surface. When I lie under my bird quilt, I stroke it, thinking, okay, I did that, and if I will never hand quilt again.
Painting is fun. I love it. I'm working on another piece already.
If I could paint the backgrund as evenly as my electronic brush does, it will look either like this

these really would look great stiched, maybe i can do it for you... ha!
jude, thanks, I'm honored.
Let's hope with time your hand will heal...and if it does please be careful not to do it again! I love to see your stitch work and hope to someday again. In the meantime your painting is a great substitution!
P.S. I bought some special gloves that I wear most times when I stitch. I find they seem to prevent too much soreness. Maybe when your hand heals you can invest in a pair(or even a single)
http://www.handeze.com/ I swear by them!
I love these paintings, especially the one with the white background. I can see it as an illustration for a book.
I hope your hand heals completely. I have recently had both health and family crises issues keeping me from my studio, so I can understand your frustration.
Eva, these are so whimsical and truly wonderful! I am particularly drawn to the amber/peachy background.
Hope your hand is better soon dear friend!
The orange one, of course! Don't worry - you'll stitch again. It just seems like it's taking forever - but this, too, shall pass - as they say. (whoever "they" are).
remarkable how different the blue or orange background makes the piece. both beautiful
I prefer the orange one.
Your blog is really interesting. I like street cars too.
This colourful sky line is wonderful, Thank you for sharing and inspiring with your site.
best wishes,
jane C
Enchanting! Love the colors that you used.
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Nice work to be seen here, like that! :)
I like all of them. Hope your hand heals soon.
Hi Eva, The blue background gives more spacial distance (i think I'm trying to say aerial perspective); and the orange is more intense and closed in (Orange being my favourite colour; i would have to choose it!)Maybe if the orange was reversed- lighter at the bottom and darker at the top...?
Oooh, I like it on the white background too... Gorgeous design! It would look amazing as a quilt. Best wishes for your hand getting better soon. Sandi
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