The red beings are cherubs/shuttles.

I don't know why I combine the ladder motif with sphinxes. I think the story is about the dream of angels going up and down the ladder. This version will certainly not be the last one, because the "glassy" technique has been tried too many times before, and the small mosaic does not go with the larger parts, to say it briefly: It is nothing yet. There is another old version I also like better.

In the meantime, I finished the watercolor picture "Courts & Towers". In orange. It looks much like this.
Last night, we had -20° C/-4°F
I love these geometric blues and greens. I would love to see a textile quilt made like this one day.You are so clever in your designs.
Best wishes,
jane C
This is my favorite so far. It is very dynamic and ambiguous; while the others are quite beautiful, they don't have the dual nature of this one. It makes me uneasy. I like that.
i cannot get enough of these paintings.
I love the colors in Jacob's Ladder! YUmmy! before I read your post, the upper portion reminded me of a windmill
I cannot enlarge your last picture...can you send it to me?
Glorious. Do you know the work of Ton Scholten? I admire him and his patchwork qualities
Judy, I fixed the problem with the last pic.
Clare, do you have a link?
thanks for making the pic able to be enlarged. I just love looking at your paintings as there is so much to see in each one. Your detail is incredible!
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