I haven't bothered much to find the best combination. These strips are ready sewn and quilted. The only way to vary them is to exchange complete strips, but I like better to let coincidence do a lot of the arrangement job. Some work with intuition. I limit my choice right from the start and have to live with what happens.
The quilt is bed width already, but not length yet. There are 3 or 4 more strips to come. Initially, I intended to give it a black frame and a turquoise inner frame, but I'm lacking material for the frame and I think it will look more like a traditional quilt and not like bauhaus if I make a frame. I want it to look more like a Paul Klee picture.
As I don't have a wall to put it on, it is lying on the living room carpet, I hope you can ignore that.
I gave it a title: "Ida's sleep", because it was Ida Kerkovius who made a similar quilt of felt in the 1920ies.
do you realize how much this looks like your paintings?
I like where you are going with this quilt
Yes I like the way my eye jumps about, It has such rhythm.
Coincidence is a great thing. I use it a lot too. Overplanning stifles the design. Your border could be lots of pieces of different blacks instead of one solid piece too.
Wonderful color combination and unconstructure. makes me want to get back to my sewing project just looking at it.
I started to post this morning then blogger didn't like me, so I'm back. I can't see a border on this quirky and wonderful piece: keep it Bauhaus -- Jens will love it either way, but since he is such a fan...
Although Wanda's idea is good, just in case you insist.
I love your concept of the quilt assemblage just "falling into place". Sometimes you get the most amazing surprises dont you.
I have only just come upon the work of Paul Klee, love his work and his colour.
This is turning out beautifully. A feast of colors!
This looks really good! I think sometimes it is better not to try to overthink things and just let them be as they come together.
This is really wonderful looking and the korak posts have helped me see how to take step #2 in next project about home. Thanks!
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