... that's what I thought. But out of an old habit, I took my camera, when we went to see our friend U.
She was my HTML teacher when I went to a web design school. We kept loose contact, then this contact became a friendship. Now, she's arranging her new flat. And she had problems with the new shelf she had taken home in her car and couldn't manage to get the parcels out of her car. She just moved into a tiny village and doesn't know anyone yet.

So we went to her and J helped her unloading the stuff, then we had tea, and I took a picture through the windows. Apart from these pictures, I'm fed up with taking photos of the white heaps around us. The snow just won't go away, and more is coming all the time.
The second picture makes it look like the stuff is dissolving....wishful thinking on the part of your camera?
That second photo is very beautiful. We are all tired of the snow and cold this year. Maybe it just seems worse each year as we get older since I never used to mind it.
The photo is great, I like the color and brightness.
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