They say that mostly the ladies favour Christmas decoration, but in our case, it is J who likes it whereas I am without passion or adversion. We have an Advent wreath (one candle more will be lit each Advent Sunday) which consists of pine cones and small white beads. If you want to start a fire in the easiest and fastest way, I very much recommend this item. It is soaked with candle wax to the degree of danger. So today I went to get a new one and bought a wreath made of willow branches, added pine cones, attached with wire, and small balls or bulbs in 4 colors. The candles sit on stable metal plates. J was delighted!
Aaahhh the Christmas decorations...it is me in our home who loves bringing out the Christmas baubles. For us we decorate the house on December 1. I will get everything ready this weekend.
Love your new patchwork/quilting. My favourite photo was the container of your threads...I love a mass of threads and colour.
Jacky xox
Hi Eva, I love the quilting stitches in all those bright shiny colours. Especially enjoyed the enlarged pictures!!!
Love it !
I absolutely DETEST decorating for the holidays. It gives me no pleasure whatsoever and seems like two days wasted: one putting it all up and the other taking it all down! Just call me Scrooge! LOL I suspect that with this grandbaby coming, I will have to change my ways and drag those all of those decorations out in the coming years. ugh!
I found your photos to be so much eye candy this time (well, as always!). I love enlarging your pictures...and the one of the threads was indeed lovely!
We used to always have an advent wreath, but now our everyday dining table is so small that the wreath would cover it and leave no room for us to eat.......perhaps that is a good thing! LOL
Thanks for your comments about the cranberries and their cousins the lingonberries. Being of Swedish decent, I am quite familiar with them as well. I know that cranberries are very high in Vitamin C, so are extremely good for you. Like your mother, I don't add as much sugar as recipes suggest, as I like the tartness of the berries.
I zoomed in - it is a very pretty wreath!
And your quilted patchwork gets more and more beautiful Eva!!!
That is so pretty! I used to be a real christmas elf when the kids were little and would deck out the whole house. Then I went through a scrooge stage where I didnt do ANYTHING. Now I am slowly returning to enjoying Christmas. I doubt I will ever go whole hog again though.
it is that time for decorating....
Nice stitching! I love the colors of the threads and the fabrics.
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