Monday, April 6, 2009


This is where we live. Just a few 100 yards away from our flat there is a former racing ground which has been converted into a living area. We took a walk on Sunday afternoon, rather: evening. The Canada geese were just having lunch on the green. They are integrated into the park-like surrounding.

During the sunshine hours on our balcony, it had been warm enough to sit outside. Now, temperatures were going down, still reaching about 6° or 43 Fahrenheit in early morning. --

The printed scraps are being integrated into the witch gown. The photos are surrounded with spells and bits from Estonian sagas. One is a lullaby, another says: "If this man was mine, I wouldn't need to eat." The witch chose a young man who is attractive and desired by other women, too. But she holds him in her magic circle. In these spells I used no runes. I wanted the outer edge to be more decorative and less readable. The inscription "ribbons" that run around the pictures are meant to be read, but only those will decypher them who understand Estonian. I know that magic spells are still used today; I do not presume to use them in the sense of making the magic work. But there was a time when I used art as a magic practice to gain power over the desired person. I understood this 30 years ago and gave it up. But when I was young, I was entangled in magic thinking, and I wasn't aware that it is manipulative, moreover it made my own attachment a lot stronger than necessary. When I gave it up, it meant a remarkable loss of power, but seeing it from a Buddhist point of view, I understood that it takes respect and honesty to gain love, not manipulation. Continuously walking on this path, my life improved until I found someone who likes to be enchanted by witchcraft, but consciously and voluntarily. He is my husband now.

-- This posting attracted chinese spam by the yard. Sorry I had to restrict the comment function a bit more which I hate to do.

-- Now something completely different.


Judy said...

I love it when old buildings and places once used for other purposes are integrated into new uses. We have many cotton mills in our area and they are now being converted into condominiums, which are very lovely. We have a pair of Canada Geese who are taking up residence in our yard. Barker loves to chase them back onto the lake. Your witch gown is lovely and very subtle. Are those little shells attached to the border?


Eva said...

Yes, the cawrie shells are sewn to the piece.

jude said...

casting a spell is not always intentional. the best kind to me....

ArtSparker said...

There is also a road of words on the gown.

I've had "comments" from the that same spammer.

Eva said...

Jude, I agree with you.

Diane Cransac said...

How odd that this particular post would attract the chinese spammers...maybe they are after your magic ^__^ The gown is coming along beautifully. I love the story behind it. It's like a dark fairytale. I believe when you dabble in magic in any manipulative way that you open a door, or maybe you would say light a candle in the window, and its not always good to let your presence be known...