Not what pleases pious Christians! -- At noon, we saw M and K (parents in law) and had a wonderful meal.
Later, we visited neighbours. Their son Dr J is my husband's closest friend. He has two sisters, and he had brought his kids, so there was quite a party in the garden. Dr J is shareholder of a prospecting engineering company which takes him all over the world. We get mails from Brazil, Vietnam and Nigeria. And he is the most warmhearted, down-to-earth friend and family man.

Left: Amazing tile work on an old house. Right: Arsenal from Swedish time (1648-1712)
Sounds like you couldn't have had a better day: the town is beautiful and more important, you spent it with family and friends that are warm and beloved to you.
I love those old buildings and I hate the fact that in the U.S., anything more than 5 minutes old gets torn down and replaced with ugly, sexless, faceless, poorly constructed boxes. There is absolutely no reverence for age or interesting architecture. Travesties abound!
Happy Spring, happy Easter, and thanks for sharing these pictures.
Beautiful old buildings! The brickwork on the last home could almost be a sampler of needlework patterns.
Looks like you had a wonderful day.
Thanks for the glimpse into your life. Reminds me of how long it's been since I was in the neighborhood (I lived in Switzerland for a year after graduating from College). Some day!
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