Of course, graffiti have become an every day thing, and this is not what I was looking for. If you look at the first one, you see that even if the letters were sprayed white, they could not be so bright in the last evening light if they weren't silver and reflecting the western sky. -- Number two was in a backyard entrance in a 100 years old house. I loved the bright colours and the sun/eye like thing.

This is the most absurd graffiti I ever found, a stencil print on white paper. Zebra on the pot.
Oh, ha ha - I guess graffiti is the first photo challenge, huh? I love graffiti and it has been informing my work for a long time. It crosses every language boundary, doesn't it?
I have a wonderful book called Stencil Graffiti by Tristan Manco, published by Thames & Hudson. I think it was a gift from a friend of mine who knew how much I loved graffiti.
Oh, I could not cope with that, of course. Is this a VERY worn out theme?
MY son is a budding graffiti artist and you should see the amazing work he does. I really wish he would turn towards mural art though...the difference being you are paid to paint murals on walls and its legal...graffiti on the otherhand is fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-in-the-dark-of-night art and not legal. I must admit some romance is involved there though!
When in New York, ride through the Bronx sometime. You will see how fast the romance is taken out of graffiti art! Graffiti is not how I want to view art, sorry.
While visiting my daugther's college last summer, I found a large mural on campus where students can express themselves through a painting. It was beautiful so when I visited again I remembered to bring my camera and but unfortunately I was surprised to find that it had been covered with white paint. The good news is that my second daugther will go to the same college so...I will remember to always bring my camera and hope to be lucky.
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