I have to apologize for yesterday's posting. We visit each other's blogs in order to find something nice, something beautiful that enhances our everyday life. After this dark and bloody chapter, I will go back to the pleasant side of life. I want to create something beautiful.
I'm working on my first hand-pieced quilt. And I intend to hand-quilt it, too. It will be a slow-cloth piece. I did the 2 blocks late at night. It is nice to be piecing by hand, no rattling of the sewing machine, but a quiet lap thing. A 45° angle nine-patch. Down-to-earth. In America, 8 years old kids can do it. I try. --
These tiles look kind of awful, although I like the combination. What if I don't make a huge top and put it on a huge batting and try to rule the sandwich with no experience, but try some new skills on a part of it, before it is finished?
I'll try something else. I quilt the tiles as single mini quilts and combine them afterwards. Mercy! It is my first quilt (if we forget about the dilettantic attempts I made 25 years ago). I hope this one will move you to tears.

I truly enjoy the act of hand sewing. It is a tactile feast. Looks like a fun project :)
I truly enjoyed hand sewing; like you said it is peaceful. I love the softness of the cloth against my hands. Can't wait to see the progress.
Ah, Eva...
first, thank you for visiting my blog and commenting...
but more importantly, I think - I hope - we can share more than just the pleasant and the pretty on our blogs. You have created something strong and meaningful. I am quite moved by the gesture. The coat has moved from the realm of craft into the realm of art, if in fact these are two separate realms - arguments may ensue...
perhaps when you move craft into the political it acquires more weight?
In any case, do not feel you must apologize for a bit of reality: this is your blog, your experience and your work. I for one must stand and applaud.
If you think those tiles look awful put them away for a while.
When you get them out again you will be impressed with them.
We are our own worst critics, or else we are to close to the work and don't see what is really happening.
I appreciate the earlier post, because...well, I think you know that we have that in common ...it's some GIRL thing, where you're supposed to be cheerful all the time. Honesty is good too.
You might try those patches with stripes(darker?) in between.
Thank you, Susan! What I'm critisizing most is my way to work, it is so hard for me to work neatly, tidily, straight lines, equal sizes. The colours are quite okay, I just rearrange the tiles.
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