Most programs are installed on my new computer, some don't work on the new system; scanner and printer have to be dumped. I was online very soon again, but it takes me some time to get aquainted with the new system.
I tried some more on the pale turtle. As Melody (
Fibermania) once put it: I'm underwhelmed. I thought I surround the Tatzelwurm with creatures in subdued colors; but I think it is just darn boring.

To look at and to stitch it. What do you think? But please be honest, don't try to save what I intend to kill! --- Flowers: In my f-i-l's pond.
Why don't you finish it first so it can be viewed in all its colours, this will perhaps enable more constructive opinions.
He does pale in comparison to the wurm. I think you are right...scrap him and redo a bit brighter.
I don't think it works, as you say. It's that you're hedging your bets, trying to add more but trying to not add anything. As you know, I like white space, I think the worm effectively moves in this space, and I don't wish to see him hedged in...possibly seaweed in a monochromatic hue well below the worm, so he is dancing over something?
Thank you! I think that this is helpful. I'll give him room to move and colorful fish and turtles to surround him at a respectful distance.
what if you put some darker color in there to outline each area? some shading.
Yes, that's what I'll do! My intention was to surround the worm with dim shades of animals that are trying to hide from him; but somehow it doesn't work. I'm going back to contrast.
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