This is about the journeys of people who are on the way to celebrating with their families, about their joyful expectations and decorated houses. And it is the online connection through which we show our work to one another, which enrichens my life. I dedicate this to you, ladies!
(Watercolour on paper, 4,2"x4,2")
And this is another way to celebrate: Butchering the pomegranate. Yummy!

Pomegranate is a fruit for Rosh Hashanah, too. It is good luck and is supposed to bring fertility. Did you know that Pomegranate juice is known to lower cholesterol? Really.
I don't know about imitating Ms. Mel - I see something of Sonia Delauney in this piece and really love it. My work used to be very bright: not any more.
I was going to comment on your mother's diary but didn't because it was too long to post. I was fascinated and quite moved. If you have more, I would love to read it.
I will not be scolding you. I love that painting of course but see it just so YOU. And a tiny bit of Hundertwasser, who I love too.
Thank you for making this midnight painting. What inspiration it gives.
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