Graphic programms are a tool to produce abstract art in breathtaking speed. Some doodling around with squares, and you have new designs. But funny: I easily get bored with the computer, whereas this hardly ever happens when I create with gouache paints or water colour.

Oh I agree! there is something so much more directly connected when you have the color in your hand, or the brush or pencil....... or fabric!
I tried one of those quilt design programs years ago and by the time I had finished playing, I considered I had made the piece and was too bored to do it again.
By the way, dear Eva - I LOVE your new picture, in which you look just as elegant as in that other one from long ago.
There is something to be said about things that come to easily....and the satisfaction in the effort of a job well done.
a different dimension with real materials....interesting to compare them.
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