Last night I was a grass widow. My husband had gone to a stag party. The last bachelor in his "gang" is going to get married to a very nice and lovely polish girl. So I had a quiet evening at home and used my new paint. What a pleasure! I painted for 5 hours without looking up. First I finished the picture "Pink Bridges" -- can't show it, because it is meant to be a surprise. Then I made a small painting named "Heavenly Body" for my husband. 4,6x6,2". Gouache on cardboard. It reminds of Sonia Delaunay, I think. Can I only imitate? My husband likes it. He was very sensible last night and did not drink much.
I think someone may be enjoying her new paints? ^_^
I like it too. A lot!
I love Gouache, and it looks like you are enjoying it also!
wow, what a quilt that could be. but all those curves, nah, painting is a good idea sometimes.
Endearing post, as you have encapsulated the best of both worlds, successful art-making with a sensible husband.
The solution could be to fuse it.
what GLORIOUS color!
i arrived by way of OWOH but i will bookmark and return - the warmth of your blog is delightful.
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